Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hanging Out, Doing Nothing

Today was a BEAUTIFUL day!! It was so warm out (and by "warm" I mean about 40 degrees), I couldn't imagine staying inside all day. I told the twins we would have a fire in the backyard. Neither of them was thrilled, so I went out and built a fire by myself. It didn't take long for both of them to come out and enjoy the fire with me.

Mitch took this picture of me. Obviously I'm squinting because of the sun in my face, but I like the picture anyway. I rarely like pictures taken of me, but I like this one.
Can you believe it? Morgan is wearing shorts and a short-sleeve t-shirt!
Mitchell took this wonderful picture of himself.
Mitch was telling us a story about school in this picture, something about technology class and a project they are working on.
I love building fires!!
Our stray cat, The Pooch, is always close by when we are outside.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Looks like fun!
Yesterday the high was about 80F over here.