Friday, November 23, 2007


We had a nice day here at home. I was so glad that Greg didn't have to work. I hate it when he works on holidays!

We spent the morning playing games. Greg and I played Rummy. Greg won. Greg, Morgan, and I played Pitch. Greg won. Greg and Mason played Chess. Greg won. Greg and all three boys played Trivial Pursuit. Greg won that, too.

Maybe I need to buy bigger plates before next year's meal???


Greg said...

It's all sleight of hand. Looks like I really won in that last pic, though.

Mark said...

Kaye, how much did greg pay you to say that he won everything?

Anyhow, if I'd been there I'd've made sure he was put into his place!

Kaye said...

I'm pretty sure that Greg was cheating. He usually does.

Mason said we should have played Twister. Too bad we don't own a Twister game. I know we could have beat him at that!

Greg said...

Them's fightin' words. I hereby challange you to a game of Scrabble the next time we meet. You have to provide the board, since I'm sure it will be in LA.

Mark said...

You're on bubba........
I'll mercilessly pick you to pieces!
I'll use my superior grammatical and verbular acumen to surmount your pitiable mental powers!

You know only once did I make a grammatical error, but I corrected it as soon as I seen what I done.

Greg said...
