Sunday, August 19, 2007

It's starting to look like lawn (sort of).

The work goes on. Now that I'm mostly over my poison ivy, I can get back in there. I've probably dropped at least 40 trees by now. We've taken (by my very rough estimate) about 20 or 25 face cords of wood out of there. We burned some last winter and will burn some this.

Bub's tractor. An old Case 995. 50 hp. About 9000 pounds of weight (without the brushhog or the bucket).
Lots of open spaces now. This was all wooded 3 years ago. I think I'll have all of the trees down that I want down by the time the snow flies. In the spring, I'll get someone in there with a backhoe and a dozer to remove all of the stumps and then grade it. From then on, it's just a matter of seeding, feeding, and overeating. OK; the last was just a gratuitous rhyme that had nothing to do with the land and everything to do with the fact that I am a Rabalais.

Below is a view from the other side of the extra acre looking towards the house. This is across the short axis of the property.
Of course, da pooch has to supervise everything. "Hey! There is not enough meow over here. Get some more meow and put it right here."
This is as seen from the road. The house is off the pic to the left. Da pooch is checking for stray food. I don't know what he thinks about the whole clearing project. I gotta think that he'd rather we just left it as jungle so he can play jungle cat with his friends. "Hey! There is not enough meow over here either. Who keeps using up all of the meow?"


Mark said...

Lookin good.

Kaye said...

The Pooch is very helpful, isn't he?