Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Converting the Extra Acre Into Lawn (The Continuation)

In the ever-going effort to convert the extra acre into lawn, I was removing more trees yesterday. Lots of pulling, pushing, cutting, lifting, and beer drinking.
This was a big pine of some sort. It was a nasty job getting it down and an even nastier one getting it out and to the trash pile. It is a softwood (conifer), so it is useless as firewood and will creosote up your chimney something fierce. The only thing softwoods are good for is making building lumber. To the trash pile it goes.
I have to limb it up so that it doesn't take up too much room. Lots of sap and a few bees. Gee, thanks a lot, mister.
My friend Bub brought his tractor over so that we could play. Later in the day, we put a limb right through the battery. Busted it wide open. I had to buy him a new battery and all new lugs and ground straps. Oh, well.
Cutting off some more limbs so that he can get it out. Those things are like velcro. They grab onto everything.
This is me performing a very delicate maneuver. It is called the one-legged, poison ivy avoiding, pine sap absorbing, sprung-limb-barely-missing-the-head-but-catching-you-square-in-the-gut limbing cut (Norwegian technique). It takes years of experience. Don't try this at home.


Mark said...

Greg, you have a singular wit!!
Interpret that as you may, but I have to say you are a pretty funny mutha frogger!

Greg said...

But I am not a three-toad sloth when it comes to clearing land. Is that hereditree?

Greg said...

In retrospect, it looks like the "poison-ivy-avoiding" part wasn't so successful.