Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Democrat in our backyard

Sometimes these Democrats sneak into our backyard. They sneak around trying to steal our ideas.
You can tell that they are Democrats by the way they walk. You know, really jerky and puffed up.

Then they steal something off of the ground.

They are pretty camera-shy, though. They know that the things they do won't stand up to a good hard look.

The Snake Handlers

Pierre found a snake in the yard the other day. He was very afraid of it, so he called Punjabe to get rid of it. He was beside himself with fright.

"Please, Punjabe. Save me from this terrible monster".

"What? This little thing? Give me a break, Pierre. It's just a Giant Python".

Punjabe quietly whispered to the snake what would happen to it if it didn't vacate the premises.

The snake decided to challange Punjabe and try to hold its ground. Rarely has such a terrible monster made such a bad decision.

The battle that ensued was monumental. Our hero, her sculpted musclature bulging, was gracious in her victory and let the snake escape with minimal injuries. Pierre may never recover from his traumatic experience.