Friday, May 23, 2008

Cats doing Cat Things

Here is the cute Punjabe sitting outside on her favorite Pine stump. She is watching out for the baby turkeys so that she can protect them from the SCOURGE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD, Pierre.
"Oh, Hi little turkeys. I don't see Pierre anywhere. I've made you some cupcakes. Come on over."
"Ummmm. Those little turkeys look tasty! Maybe I'll eat them. MOO HAH HAH HAH HAH HAAHHHH."
"Just a couple more steps, little snacky turkeys, and you'll be swimming in my belly with this morning's catfood."
"Ohhhhh. I couldn't eat another bite. Does this gray fur make me look fat?"


Mark said...

That's pretty dern funny. Poor Pierre is so misunderstood!
Mamma laughed so much she teared up.

Greg said...

She teared up what? The rug? Her throat?