Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Snake Hunters

The giant snake moved stealthily through the grass. Its fangs dripped with the deadliest of venoms. Lions and elephants had fallen prey to its hunger in the past. And then....
Pierre pounced from the serpent's blind quarter.
With a single crippling swipe of his mighty paw, he immobilized the monster.
Grabbing the evil reptile by the tip of its tail, the mighty Pierre whipped it around.
Just another day in the life of Pierre, the Snake Hunter.

Punjabe saves Big Daddy.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Cats doing Cat Things

Here is the cute Punjabe sitting outside on her favorite Pine stump. She is watching out for the baby turkeys so that she can protect them from the SCOURGE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD, Pierre.
"Oh, Hi little turkeys. I don't see Pierre anywhere. I've made you some cupcakes. Come on over."
"Ummmm. Those little turkeys look tasty! Maybe I'll eat them. MOO HAH HAH HAH HAH HAAHHHH."
"Just a couple more steps, little snacky turkeys, and you'll be swimming in my belly with this morning's catfood."
"Ohhhhh. I couldn't eat another bite. Does this gray fur make me look fat?"

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Random pics from Mothers' Day

Mason trying the frozen banana dipped in chocolate. Not so good, evidently.
Big Daddy with the banana split. Always good. There is the family truckster in the background.
Kaye is done with her smoothie. That's old Lake O behind her.
Big Daddy playing with the Macro on his camera.
Morgan modeling his cone.
When Kaye got up this morning, we coronated her as Queen for the Day. There she is with her crown and the everpresent court jester. She got to direct her subjects all day. Yeah, I know. Yard work.
The beautiful Punjabe. She is the best one.
There goes BD with the Macro again.
Punjabe is pacing out where she wants her outdoor catbed built.
The court jester out looking for trouble. You don't have to wonder. He found it, all right. He's good at that. He is just mad because I am taking his picture. He likes to make his mischief in private so that he can't get caught.