Monday, January 21, 2008

Let it snow (somewhere else).

We got a little snow last night while I was at work.
Huge fun.
I can't describe how much fun this is. You guys really should come up here and join in the fun.
You can see the pure joy on my face.
Where's the driveway? It's hard to find when there is a foot or so of snow on it.
Kaye's car.
Kaye's car taken from inside the garage before Mitch cleared the snow off of it.
After the first swipe with the snow brush.
My X.
Mitchell doing Kaye's dirty work. They both had to go to the orthodontist.


Kaye said...

Mitchell wasn't doing my dirty work! He was HELPING me. I was snowblowing because you were SLEEPING!!!!


Greg said...

A guy's got to sleep.