Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bucket Farmers II

This is a pepper plant in a small bucket on the deck. That pot next to it is my money tree. Put that one in the failled experiment category.
This in one on the rail of the deck. Not enough pot to support a bell pepper plant, evidently.
These are the buckets on the ground. This is my cherry tomato plant. It is in a bucket also. I never got around to tieing it to the cage, so it has kind of spilled over. It's produces pretty well, though.
The tomato plant in an action video. And then the peppers doing their growing thing.


Mark said...


You've got me hooked on "pot plant gardening". I used to do "raised bed gardening, if you recall, but that entailed a lot of weeding and other 'avoidable' labor excesses. I had tried a tomato plant in a 5-gallon bucket, but the plant died--I hadn't made holes in the bottom. I never tried it again. I'm definitely going to invest a few dollars in a few bags of Mir. Gro. and some 5g. buckets, then I'll show that smart-alecky son of mine (the one who lives up Nawth) how to grow REAL tomatoes!!!

Your competitive to all.

A note from Mark: I'm not gonna comment on the fact that daddy wants to grow pot plants!

Greg said...

I don't know if anyone else does this. It seems to work for us, though. I guess it's just a different version of raised bed gardening. As to the pot plants, we can't do that up here. You guys do whatever makes you happy, though.

Kaye said...

Pot plants?????

I'm shocked.