Wednesday, February 14, 2007


These are the Rabalais cats. We have 5 that live inside and then this summer, Kaye and Mitchell adopted a foster cat who lives on the mud porch in a heated house.

This is Pierre. He is Kaye's cat. He is very bad.
These are the three girls. There is Gumbo on the pillow (white). She is Morgan's cat and is very timid to the point of being scared of everything. There is Simone curled up at the foot (greyish). She is Mitchell's cat and is mentally challanged (bigtime). Lastly there is Punjabe (the darkie). Punjabe is the best one. She is my cat. She is the smartest, the best looking, the best listener, and she takes care of the other cats when there are no humans around. She also keeps an eye on Kaye while I am at work.
This is Zip. He is Mason's cat. We think he is black. He is extremely lazy.

This is Da Pooch Hooch. It is a heated enclosure with a cat door. I made it out of 3" insulation panels and glue. Note the fine craftsmanship. It has an 18-watt heater in it. It is on the mud porch, which is exposed to the elements. It was 4ºF in there when I took these pictures. It is about 75ºF in the hooch.
Da Pooch. When Mitchell and Kaye adopted him, he was really skinny. He has filled right out, thanks to lots of cat food. When you open the front door (from the house onto the mud porch), you are greeted by an almost constant meow. It just keeps coming. It's like he has a coiled meow spring inside of him that he releases as soon as he sees you. Then he tries to sneak into the house. If only he knew what was waiting for him if he ever got in. There are five other cats in there just waiting for a piece of him.


Kaye said...

Pierre is an awesome cat! I can't believe you are dissing him.

Mark said...

Isn't Punjabe the Swahili word for chicken?

Greg said...

No. It's the feline word for "I'm going to kick your butt."