Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Gas Prices

Well, today was my first 3-fer at the gas pump. The pump stops at $75.00. I think that is because it thinks you are filling up more than one vehicle. Whatever. When it stops, you have to put the nozzle back and reswipe your card to start over.
Today I gassed up on the way home from work. Regular unleaded is $4.199/gallon here and now. That means I went to $75.00, started over, went again to $75.00, started over and went to $14.81. A total of 39.25 gallons and $164.81. Yee ha!
Well, at least I get 11 mpg, so it will last a while.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The GOOD Cat

Since we seem to focus on the NEGATIVE aspects of our cat population here, I thought it would be good to spend some time looking at what is good. Here is a spread of pics of the GOOD Punjabe.

First we have a pic of her keeping an eye on Pierre. He was up to something bad and she was watching to make sure that he didn't hurt himself or another cat.
OK. What's he doing up there?
"I'm not coming down until you clean that up. The humans are going to be very angry with you when they see what you did."
"No. You missed a spot right over here. You're going to need more paint remover."
Here is the GOOD Punjabe pondering the future. She is very concerned about world affairs and the state of politics in America. She is thinking about starting her own party. The Democats. I think that we know who will NOT be her running mate.

After the Storm

Shortly after I took the images of the plants in my previous post, there was a severe thunderstorm here. Very high winds, driving rain and about a minute of really hard hail. If you click on the images of the tomato plants, you can see some of the damage.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bucket Farmers

This is my melon patch. From left to right I have watermelons (Burpee Big Tasty Hybrid seedless), cantaloupe (Burpee Honey Bun Hybrid), and cucumber (Burpee Straight Eight).

Here are my tomatoes. I have two different large varieties in the bucket to the right. I got them as plants from the local nursury. In the left bucket are Burpee Italian Ice tomatoes grown from seed. I know. I need to weed. Kaye's fault.

Saturday, June 7, 2008