Saturday, August 23, 2014

Kaye's vicious cat

Kaye has a cat
His name is Spencer
He's kind of like
A Doberman Pinscher.

He has a short tail
He's a pure bred mutt
His most refined skill
Is the licking of butt.
Kaye and I went to my company's annual clam bake yesterday afternoon.  A good time was had by most. Picture by Kaye with her phone.

Getting back into the Blog

The blog has been dormant since 2011.  I am going to try to start making entries again and I encourage the rest of the family to do so also.  For now, enjoy this picture of our orange cats.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

More Snow Removal

I just played "Snow Removal" for about 2 hours. The last part was with the snow shovel. By then, I was chilled to the bone.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snow! ARRGH!

I guess winter is here. This is starting to get old.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Deer

On Christmas morning, Kaye looked out and notice some deer in the back yard.

It's not uncommon to see one or two at a time back there. We have some apple trees and cherry trees that they like to browse upon.

We counted six in this group. They are also rather large. Our winter started late and I guess that gave them extra time to fatten up prior to the cold and snow nipping the vegetation in the bud (so to speak).

No antlers.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. We did.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My quartet, Unusual Suspects, competed in the fall competition of the Barbershop Harmony Society. We are part of the SenecaLand District, so we had to go to Rochester. We did well. We are a novice quartet (at least 2 members of the quartet have never competed). There were 23 competing quartets from the area and four of them were novice quartets. We won the novice category and came in 15th of 23 overall. We were pretty happy with that. Our Tenor (left) is Tim Casler, our Lead (center back) is Dave Hubalek, our Baritone (center front) is Barney Johnson, and I am the bass.